October 10, 2008

the time something is said and done should be left behind/ then the mood changes, other little things preoccupy the mind, then the passion weakens and the heart is hurt, leaving the mind confused and a decision need be made; before getting into a situation think of the way out. if you cannot find it do not get into it in the first place, things will get hairy and energy will be wasted. you give them once you are entitled to adventures. I love adventures and I am an egoist, i possess the freedom to think, act, speak in a way all different than before, I can eat, drink, smoke and fuck whatever makes me happy at that moment, if that moment is carried further then moments will become a stigma, i was born to live not to spend time thinking how to live, strictly live a lively life, be glamorous, be free, be mysterious, unpredictable, make me feel uncomfortable, I still remember the last time you shook her world, fuck you all, i have a headache!
Good luck

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